President's Message
Our Founder President Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh believed that through education, we can bring change in the society and make this nation strong. Under the aegis of the society, the MBA Department of Dhanwate National College, is one of the premier management institutes of central India which enjoys strong leadership along with highly qualified staff.
Learning at our MBA department is not only confined to classrooms but participation in varied extracurricular and co-curricular activities. This enables accelerating the process of building overall personalities and management acumen of the students.
I wish for every student who becomes a part of our family, to blossom into a responsible human being, who shall bring honor and fame to the institute, society, community as well as the nation. I welcome you here; to a world of learning in enjoyable ways, to a world where every student is challenged to grow to his or her finest potential.
Hon’ble Shri Harshvardhan P.Deshmukh
Shri Shivaji Education Society, Amravati