About College
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Institute of Management Technology and Research ,initially known as the Department of Management Technology, was established in the year 1980 by Shri. Shivaji Education Society. The society was setup in 1931-32 by late Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh at Amravati in Vidarbha, Maharashtra. A fledgling society then, it has now developed to embrace a vast world of education which includes the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Agriculture, Law, Medicine, Engineering, Management etc. Over the years, society has been prescribed over by thirteen different heads, the present President is Hon'ble Shri Harshvardhan P.Deshmukh Shri Shivaji Education Society, with it's more than two hundred and sixty educational institutes, spread over eleven districts of Vidarbha and supported by a yearly budget of rupees one hundred crores, aptly deserves the title -"Pride of Vidarbha." A prolific teaching and non-teaching staff of around five thousand, guide and assist over one lakh ten thousand aspiring students and carve out a brilliant future for themselves under the aegis of this society.
The broad objective of the course is to impart professional education and training in various aspects of modern management to the students and to provide them with opportunities to develop conceptual and analytical skills and foster attitudes essential for their development into competent and effective managers. Contemporary curriculum that integrates concepts with current industry needs is the hallmark of this course to ensure that our students stay ahead of the curve. Students will broaden their perspectives, enabling them to approach problems not only from multiple functional and strategic viewpoints, but also from cross-cultural and ethical perspectives.